Johnson's Real Ice Cream Donation Programs
Making Every Scoop Count.

Donations At Johnson's, Every Scoop Counts!
Our Grandpa Johnson was not just an ice cream entrepreneur. He was a man of purpose, who gave more than just the smiles that come with ice cream cones.In that spirit, Johnson's Real Ice Cream is proud to donate to the communities we serve. Our goal is to make every scoop count!If you are interested in learning more about out Donation Programs including eligibility requirements, please download our informational sheet.
We make "Every Scoop Count" in three ways:
A longstanding commitment to A Kid Again - every time you buy one of our pints in our stores or in supermarkets, you are helping a kid facing a challenging illness.
Donation of various items for school-related causes
Spirit nights where we donate a portion of an evening of sales
If you are a school in one of our communities and interested in a donation or Spirit Night, we ask that you complete our online Donation Request form. Please allow a minimum of 6 weeks for processing. Currently due to a high volume of requests, the typical request is taking 6-8 weeks. No phone calls, please. Note: Due to volume, requests cannot be accepted in store. Questions, please email us at hello (@)